Community Season 2 Episode 1: Anthropology 101

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First aired on Sept. 23, 2010

Search for Community - Anthropology 101 on Amazon

As the new semester begins, the study group gathers to tackle Anthropology 101; Jeff struggles to establish decorum with Britta and Annie; SeƱor Chang decides to enroll as a student so he can join the study group.


Well, Shirley, since you've clearly failed to grasp the central insipid metaphor of those Twilight books you devour, let me explain it to you: Men are monsters who crave young flesh. The end.

I can tell life from TV, Jeff. TV makes sense, it has structure, logic, rules, and likable leading men. In life, we have this. We have you.

Guys, I got a confession to make. I took anthropology because I want to be a part of your study group. Now, I gotta do the honest thing and just ask. Is there any room in this pocket for a little spare Chang?

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